Tuesday, December 06, 2005

8 hours later.

Today M.D. Anderson has been interesting to say the least. First thing off the bat I was called into a meeting of which I was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Basically, I'm not the target... One of the targets must have some comprehension that an investigation was pending as he tried to talk to me about it. I lied to him claiming to be ignorant and excused myself from the conversation.

A touch later, a technician --who claims to receive direct revelation from God- came to repair a printer for about an hour and left 8 hours later after gnawing on our ears. Some people don't know how to pick up on the subtle clues that distinguish between polite conversation that marks indifference -or perhaps slightly worse- and actual interest. This kind of thing can only happen when you are the last job of the day of a contractor who must not have a happy home life. I know I've stayed over on occasion, but I'd never vent my life to complete strangers who'd rather not feign interest at all.


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