A red-light camera
On the way to work today, my car and I were nearly hit by a golf ball. Surprised and distracted I looked toward the golf course that I routinely drive past. In the process I nearly ran the red light and had to slam on my brakes. The intersection was completely clear. Red-light cameras automate the human decision making process when driving. Sometimes that is good and sometimes it isn't. Despite logically knowing that I was not placed in a dangerous situation, I feel that I could have been. Weird situations are bound to arise. Split decisions should be made on the basis of safety and risk and not made on the basis of accruing tickets.
Yesterday as I was driving, one of my hair clips I keep on the sunvisor popped off and hit me in the face. I FREAKED! Luckily I was on an empty neighborhood road and only swerved a bit. Scary!
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